Google things here!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

This thing irritates me!

Every time I go on the computer upstairs, this appears.

And when I try to leave or close it, this happens.

If this happens to you too, go to and kill them.

A schedule of my irritating sister!

Hello people of California, the moon, and Mars! I haven't posted for a while now since I have posted most of my irritations already and I just wait for new things and school has started. Anyways, here's the schedules.


7:00 AM - She wakes up and plays Club Penguin. Now I will deviate into another topic for now. She has been completely obsessed with Club Penguin for the past week now. However, she uses more of her time searching for free membership which ISN'T POSSIBLE rather than actually playing. She has been downloading fake programs, keygens, looking for accounts being given away, and other crap. I am still surprised she hasn't downloaded a virus yet. ZOMG! SCREENSHOTS!!! LOOK BELOW!

The above screenshots are less than 0.5% of my devastatingly clogged internet history.

7:30 AM - Eat breakfast. She normally eats less that 30% of all food given to her. Each time, her excuse is "I already ate!", which is used even though the last time she ate was up to 9 hours ago. She will eat very slowly and just poke everything, usually taking up to 20 minutes to be "full". If she eats everything in less than 10 minutes and she looks like she is about to explode, you know she has a motivation to do so. That motivation would be to continue playing CP without logging off. CP logs off after 10 min. of inactivity. She is afraid if she does nothing or keeps logging on and off, people will think she is weird.

7:35 AM - Go back to CP and play (Really looking for free membership) until 8:45.

8:45 AM - Go to school. School begins at 9:00 AM.

3:30 PM - Return from school and very rudely push me out of my seat so she can immediately log back on to CP and play. (Search for free membership)

5:00 PM - Speed-eat dinner.

5:05 PM - Continue playing. (Searching)

7:00 PM - Speed-work on homework by skipping problems and making stupid mistakes.

7:10 PM - Go back to CP and freak out because of auto-disconnect even though it takes 30 sec. to log back on.

8:00 PM - Speed-bathe and make a mega mess out of it.

8:10 PM - Repeat step at 7:10 PM. Then play (Search) until 9:30 PM.

9:30 PM - Forced to log off and sleep. Dream about CP until 7:00 AM.


6:00 AM - Wake up and search for free membership.

10:30 PM - Go to sleep.

Coming soon: The schedules of the neighbor's idiot kids.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

People who suppress their sneezes irritate me!

I get ideas for things when I least expect them. Today, I suddenly had an image of someone in my class suppressing their sneezes. It is really annoying. All day, they just keep going like "a-chu" really quietly and it's very distracting. I'd rather you let it all out at once with a big ACHOO instead and blow out the wall rather than irritating me.

When I do get around to trying to tell the teacher at last, the bell rings, so I go outside to talk to Sneezie.

Yes, it may be unhealthy but I had something else in mind...

NEVER underestimate my sneezing capabilities. Mr. Sneezie - 1, Me - 100

My neighbor who throws trash out late at night irritates me!

Apparently, they don't seem to understand that throwing a big box of empty glass beer bottles with great force into a recycling bin already full of other glass items at 10:30 when the world is sleeping will wake anyone up. The worst part is, they woke me up. See why:

Just last night they did it for the hundredth time already. My window was open because it was a hot summer night. I was almost asleep until the mother of all clatter 'n shatter noises awoke me. Next time they do that, I will react quicker and shout something at them before they go inside. If it happens again, I will have a water gun ready. One more and I will throw a glass bottle at them! One last time and I may explode!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

One more reason why cats irritate me!

Here's a recap of the other reasons cats irritate me.

One of my neighbors has 3 black cats. They are always free roaming and invading my property. They hide under my car, go in my backyard, and occasionally poop in my lawn. I was sorta-kinda ok with these cats, until last night around midnight.

I was sleeping with my window open because it was a little too warm. I had been awake much longer than usual and I was totally tired out. Suddenly, THIS happened to rudely awaken me and completely shatter the silence outside that has been there since sunset.

Then as suddenly as it happened, dead silence came back.

 It turns out a stray cat has picked a fight with one of the free roaming black cats. I wanted to scream out the window. I wanted to pour cold water on the cats. I wanted to stuff both of them into one jar and ship the jar to Switzerland. But I couldn't scream because there is already too much noise thanks to the cats. I didn't want to go outside and chase them around with cold water because I was still tired. And I may get arrested for animal abuse if I ship them off. WHAT CAN I DOOOO?!

My sister's OCD-like behavior irritates me!

(Sorry! No pictures this time.) Sure, I complain a lot about my sister. But I'M the one stuck with her all day from 10 to 6. It's not my fault I have to deal with her laziness, disobedience, and worst of all, her OCD-like behavior. (OCD means obsessive compulsive disorder.) Here is a list of her main OCD-like actions:

Constant washing of her toys.

She is a toy maniac. She is also a maniac about keeping them (too) clean. Every fifteen minutes, she will gather up all washable toys (usually made of rubber or plastic), then take them to the sink. Often, she may leave them there to soak in running water and freaks out and screams if I want to use the sink. She says the running water will replace the old, "dirty" water with new water. She says this also prevents dust. Just put the toys in a sealed container, no need to waste my water! I HATE THIS.

Her urge to split our food.

Whenever we are eating, she will try her best to evenly divide everything. From chicken nuggets to cereal to steaks to ice cream, she will spend more time dividing than eating. Once she is done eating, she only ate a little then goes to watch TV and freaks out if anyone wants to eat the leftovers even though she is full to the bursting point. Back to the part about dividing. While dividing, she will not let me eat until she is done.

4,375 drops of soup, 4,376 drops of soup... Whats 874 grams divided by two? Whats half of 28.36 ounces?

All these math questions really annoy me, waste my time, and ruin my appetite. I HATE THIS MORE.

Her need to keep her room "perfect".

To me, a perfect room is the floor is clean, the bookshelf is still upright, there are no holes the walls, and all spiders are smooshed. My sister takes perfection literally. Everything must be standing upright. The clock has to be in the upper half of the center of the wall. The bedsheets must be perfect. The pillow needs to be smooth and centered. The pencils must all be sharpened, the same length, all parallel, and the tips are facing the same direction. The vase must be exactly 4.72 inches the the LEFT of the other vase. The books need to be stacked in different stacks according to their size and weight. Pretty much anything involving over-perfection, lining things up correctly, and keeping things evenly spaced will be found in her room.

If you touch ANYTHING without washing your hands for 17 minutes, move ANYTHING 1.7 millimeters, rotate ANYTHING by 0.83 degrees counter-clockwise, or put something in the right place but not the right position, she will go crazy and scream, "YOU'VE COMPROMISED THE OVER-PERFECTION!!!!" Even though she doesn't say "compromised" and the "over-" in over-perfection, you know what I mean.

What bugs me is if more than 3 things are out of place, she gives up and messes everything up because "things will just become messier anyways and I don't wanna clean it!" I REALLY HATE THIS.

Finally, her need to keep that Lego pen she got 3 years ago for Christmas perfect.

She got a Lego pen quite some time back and has been carrying it around since. She treats it like it keeps the world alive and if one piece (she calls them beads for some reason) goes missing or is out of place, she acts like the oceans will boil away, all animals will die, magnitude 11.2 earthquakes will hit all over the world, temperatures will go up to 177 degrees Fahrenheit everywhere, even Antarctica, and all crops will suddenly wither. She will go absolutely nuts looking for the "beads" that are still in her pockets and hands that she thought went missing. She then furiously counts them over and over to ensure there is 12. She wouldn't leave them at home fearing that an earthquake would hit or the dog gets loose and eats them. She brings them to the bathtub and puts a mesh over the drain then pins it down. She locks them in a reinforced 3-ply cardboard box and ties the box next to her bed when she goes to sleep.

One time, she took them to a store we were at and suddenly dropped them all over the place. People and the staff were staring at us while she screamed "MY BEEEEEADDDSS!!!!" and looked all over the place. I've never been more embarrassed. And this is not the first time it happened. I HATE THIS MOST!

THE END, at last!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

My sister's "Toy cycle" irritates me!

Here's how her toy cycle works:

- She sees or remembers a toy she saw on TV.
- She begs daddy ALL DAY to get it.
- He says no.
- Shes crys and crys and crys.
- She spends her whole day searching the internet for the toy and clutters my internet history with ridiculous searches because she thinks the internet can have the answer to ALL questions, no matter how preposterous. (Look below)

Examples: "how to make a (toy she wants)" or "free (toy she wants) near (our house address)" or "how to get a (toy she wants) for free". She also goes onto Youtube, Ehow, Yahoo answers, Wikianswers, and Wikipedia to find anything to do with the toy. If she cannot figure out "how to build a (toy she wants) for free at home", then she finds the toy's website and stays on one particular page there and stays all day.

Back to the cycle. Now it can either go to:

- Finally, daddy has time to get the toy.

Or skip to this way:

- She suddenly loses interest and finds another toy to stare at all day.
- Begs daddy.

The cycle restarts and is never-ending. So far, Silly Putty, Zhu Zhu Pets, and other toys have been the subject of the cycle.

If you didn't read any of the above, here's a chart thingy to condense all the above into a picture.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Kids who enjoy tormenting me irritate me!

Two particular kids both living in the same house 2 houses east from me seem to enjoy tormenting me. Everyday, even if I'm outside sitting still or even napping, as long as either kid sees me, they'll come to attack. The boy is more likely to hit and punch. His little sister is more of a spitter and pincher. Here is a poorly drawn chart about what they do to me.

Here is a kid spitting on me:

Here is one punching me:

Here is one with crazy hair biting my arm:

My legs:

My feet:

I might have figured out why they act so violently towards me. All of them are learning Karate and are only on either the white or yellow belt. They use me as a practice subject because I'm "big". (Why are all these kids learning Karate? I don't get it.)

Even though I don't do Karate, I even know a basic rule. Karate is for defense only, never attack. Here is my definition of attack and defense:


*kid gets a stick*
*finds an innocent person*


*person senses oncoming attack*
*holds fist up*
The kid's senses are too slow to make him stop running towards his subject when he sees the fist.
*face slams into fist*
*innocent person continues reading their newspaper*

These two kids ALWAYS attack me. I NEVER attack them. I don't defend myself because that'll make them hurt themselves and I am the one to blame.

It irritates me when I cannot find my sister!

Today, she decided to go outside and play with some of our neighbors. I tried to find where she was and had a lot of trouble doing that. See the maps for what I mean. (The red dot is me and the green one is my sister.)

Here I am, just out of my house. I try a few places to see where she is. Then I get to the house she is actually in.

By the time I get there, she has left to play with somebody else.

I go there to check because the people in the previous house say they saw her go there. But when she went there, they weren't home. I figured that out too.

So she went to the house where I am now but there is a pool party and she isn't in there. So she went waaaay over there to another house. I am getting very annoyed at this point.

This person she was just at never wants to play. He is a hermit now. So my sister went home. I checked at the hermit's house and they said she just left. I give up and go home because it is very unlikely she would go in any houses that she has not been in yet.

I'm home and there she is unaware that I have been hunting for her. Heck, she is unaware I left the house! No wonder she was confused when she heard me come in. I let out all my rage and frustration at her.

Spoiled children irritate me!

This is another blog containing exaggeration.

If you have kids, you probably have already felt the urge to give them all expensive things so you can show off to others how much nice things your kids have. That's ok, but don't keep on showing me over and over how your kids are so spoiled and don't let your kids brag to me all day about their ipod(s).

If you came here for pictures, say yay because I have some!

There are already at least 4 kids under 10 living near me that have ipods.

One of them ALSO has an iphone.

I'm sure they MIGHT have laptops.

Exaggeration begins now.

Maybe they only some stuff made of gold or at least gold-plated.

I'm the only person in the vicinity with a Mercedes-Benz.

That better not be mine.

I need a floating mansion.

No exaggeration with the above picture!

So to summarize, STOP BUYING EXPENSIVE STUFF FOR YOUR KIDS! 6 year old girls want to watch Dora, not play with ipads and the such! 8 year old boys want a skateboard or some normal toy, not bricks of gold! And I want you guys to stop with the buying ridiculously expensive things for them!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A pool party today irritates me!

They do these everyday. But today's was from 2:00 - 7:30 and the number of people there was unprecedented. There were mainly kids there with extraordinary lung capacity. How can they scream and make noise for almost 6 hours without vomiting out their lungs?! Their temperature handling was also pretty good. Its been 60 degrees Fahrenheit all day! When they came out, it was 50 degrees!

One car, a few kids. Somewhat tolerable.

A few more cars and several more kids. One car parked in front of someone else's house. Rather intolerable.

More cars and even more kids. Noise level reaching critical point. Very intolerable.

More cars and half are parked in front of other's houses. Even a limousine! Kids strewn about and noise level far above extreme. Completely intolerable.

Sound barrier broken. People parked in other's driveways, other parked like idiots. Noise level worse than a blender in your ears.

Do you guys understand what I am talking about? This is one of those rare "tell all your neighbors to invite all their friends to invite all their friends to invite all their friends" type of pool party. It's just ridiculous. If fact, this same thing happened about one year ago.

PS: Notice on the maps I drew there is only one visible house. The others are still there, just not visible because I didn't feel like drawing them.

Steven and his friend Erick irritates me!

Hey steve, guess what? LOOK:


Friday, August 13, 2010

Another thing that happened a long time ago irritates me!

About a year ago, I saw signs like these posted all over my neighborhood:

(Stay out of this neighborhood!)

I took these ones quite offensively.

(Go away!) Then what I thought to be a poorly drawn person.

I was also offended by those.

(Never come back!!!)

Still offensive!

These poorly drawn no "people" signs were everywhere too!

I did figure out what these were. It turns out the kids were preparing for halloween, in August! I mutilated the signs and "graffiti'd" them by doing things like cutting them up and ripping them. I also wrote "SHUP UP", "YOU CAN'T MAKE ME LEAVE", and "NO" on them.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Strange noises at night irritate me!

I was awake at night because of those unidetified noises that creep me out.

Eventually, I get completely freaked out and my face is like this:

When I finally go to sleep, I sleep well then wake up all paranoid even though it's bright out.

That night, the same things happen to me again and I get caught in a cycle that repeats until I regain my sanity.

I did figure what the noises were. The "TSSSSSS" was from my freezer. The tapping was from a leaky faucet dripping on a plastic container. The clattering was from my neighbor throwing something made of glass in the trash can. The rustling was some sort of wild rodent thing in my bushes.