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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Headaches irritate me!

2 to 4 times a week, I get a really bad headache that prevents me from doing most things. I start out feeling really great in the morning then after lunch the aching begins. It slowly gets worse and worse and by 5:00 PM I am sprawled across the floor in pain and my eyes swollen.

In the morning:

Around 3:30 PM:

Around 5:00 PM:

When I drag myself up the stairs to go to bed, I still feel bad. When I wake up in the morning, all the pain disappeared and I feel fresh and crisp. 

Don't freak out, this is an important update.

As you know, my blog is about things/people that irritate me. (Mostly people) Here's what the update is about.

If you believe I have been talking about you in a bad way, (Which I have) it could just be a coincidence and have nothing do do with you. However, on the slim chance someone I have been talking about badly actually finds my blog and gets all angry, don't worry. I have never pointed any fingers and never mentioned your name badly. Also, the pictures I draw are never meant to look like anybody I know.

The only way others find can find out who I am specifically talking about is if you personally leave a comment saying "Hey! I'm this person's really bad neighbor!!!"

You can do that, it's not my fault you revealed yourself.

PS: I mentioned 2 names in one of my neighbor posts but they were good people that never did things to irritate me.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Children trying to sell junk to me irritate me!

For the past few days, a couple of kids have been walking through the neighborhood unsupervised and trying to get people to but their useless junk.

At first, the items they are selling are fine. Then they run out of "good" items and begin selling whatever they find and the prices and/or items just keep on getting more ridiculous.


MY flower petals?! Seriously?!


This is preposterous.


I really hope your cats didn't do that. If they did, I'm gonna shove it in your face!

I've had enough!

THAT is pathetic! Do you know what is more pathetic? This:


(Once, they were selling seashells for 5¢ each and one kid gave them $5! Then they didn't know how to make change! Really pathetic!)

PS: Wanna know how to make the "¢" symbol? For Windows computer, hold down either Alt key and on the number pad, press 0162. Alt-0162 = ¢.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

People who type like idiots irritate me!

Don't talk to me if you talk like this:

How nerds type:
1M G0NN4 G0 2 TH3 $T0R3!!!111 (I'm gonna go to the store!)

Why must people type like this? In my opinion, it is way easier and faster if you type in a normal way. Typing like that actually seems harder because you have to find the numbers to replace the letters and look for the symbols.

How lazy-and-in-a-rush people type:
th dog wnt ovr thr thn it dg a hle (The dog went over there then it dug a hole.)

First of all, have you heard of capitals? (Not this: TH DOG WNT OVR THR THN IT DG A HLE. That is even stupider.) Second, please use punctuation! It can be very confusing without punctuation. And stop leaving out almost every vowel!

How super nerds type:
ŧЋэ qџį¢Ҝ БЯФЩπ ғỚҖ ĵΰΜφ$ Ө√€® ά І@ŽΫ Dỏģ (The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.)

It may make you look super cool to you, but to me, it is a mish-mash of various symbols an letters from at least three different languages that makes absolutely no sense at all to me and makes you look retarded. Also, it is extremely inefficient. It took me ten minutes to open the character map, find all the symbols, and put them together while typing "The quick brown fox jump over a lazy dog" takes LESS than 10 SECONDS!

If I meet someone on the internet, I assume that person is average until they type like a super-noob-nerd-idiot-thing. (HA! I don't make all my O's into zeros. n00b ---> noob)



Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It irritates me when my sister shouts while I am on the phone!

Why does she do it?! She usually shouts a lot when I am not on the phone, but when I am on the phone it is much worse. She won't let me hear the other person and that person cannot hear me.

Monday, July 26, 2010

The Internet Irritates me!

I remember a time when the internet used to look like this:

Today, almost every website looks like this:

The green part is what I wanted.

Why is the internet like this today? There is always an ad saying "You are the 1,000,000,000th visitor, click below to get a prize!" or a blinking, flashing ad telling you that you won something or those ever-annoying talking ads. Other ads include those flashing GIF ads showing screenshots of various games telling you to play now, those "Shoot the to win something!" ads, belly fat ads, and POP UPS. TOO MANY USELESS POP UPS!!!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Shirtless kids irritate me!

Don't worry, they're boys. I just finished posting my TV ad post and went out for some air. Then I saw this:

It seems like they're forcing the world to look at their belly buttons and nipples.

It's the fact that these three particular kids never, ever wear shirts that irritates me.

Repetitive, reoccurring, and long TV ads irritate me!

I've had enough of these two particular TV ads:

Pillow Pets

Ok, so they are cute and fuzzy pillows. I'm fine with that. What I'm not fine with is the fact that this ad is too long and the narrator keeps on repeating herself! You don't need to say the purpose and use of the pillows 3 times and you don't need to say the website and phone number 5 times!!

Your Baby Can Read

It's a product that helps teach babies to read. That's cool. What's not cool is the unnecessary length of the ad and it's repetitiveness. Just like the Pillow Pets one, the narrator doesn't need to repeat himself!

Here's a chart I made. The whole bar represents an average ad break.

Should I have put parentheses around the S in "ads"?

Oh yes, your welcome for the free advertisement, Pillow Pets and Your Baby Can Read.

Cats irritate me!

Cats are stupid. They sleep in your clean clothes all day, scratch everything, and they are scared of everyone and almost everything! They are boring, uninteresting, and STUPID! They never shut up either.

One of my neighbors has three black cats. They are never in the house and they are always roaming in the neighborhood and hiding under my car! (If they keep this up, I will call the animal control and tell them that there are three stray cats bothering me!) In fact, I found one under my car just now.

So I chased it out with a hose.

It also irritates me how they think my lawn is a litter box.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Two random children in my neighborhood irritate me!

I went to get my mail because I like mail!

I was about to open it then two kids about 15 feet behind me said:

That upset me.

They did not care how mad I was. Instead, one of them DARED to say:

I seriously wanted to do this:

But I so couldn't because it is illegal. All I could do is this while they walked away:

My sister irritated me and my eye!

She was watching TV and became a little too excited. I was also watching TV behind her.

Then this happened.

I'm not good at drawing bloodshot eyes.

Another reason children irritate me!

I went to a normal party at my good neighbor's house last night. Everything was going smoothly until more guests began arriving. They brought their obnoxious, irritating children. Quickly, things got loud and crazy. Then one of the homeowners got upset about the noise.

Naturally, people need to blame someone. I was the oldest "child" at the party. Therefore, other adults automatically expect ME to watch over their little irritations. (What am I, a babysitter?!) And since I was just sitting there chilling out, they thought I was being "lazy" and "ignorant". So they blame me and make me the first person to leave the party, which ALWAYS sucks.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

This irritates me almost every morning.

My sister keeps on losing her everything. She always wakes up really early to find every last one of her possessions. Then the shouting.

Note: All the above events do not happen in order. I have never seen someone who wakes up then goes bouncy ball hunting proceeded with remote control searching then a towel request. Then how do fruit bars go with towels? And a can of what? And please don't tell me what the toilet paper is for.

All this shouting wakes me up and I am cranky.

She doesn't take yelling very well.

So then I need to put up with THIS.

PS: Even though it is 10:30 PM right now, I made this because I couldn't sleep and I knew it would probably happen tomorrow anyhow.