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Sunday, September 19, 2010

People who do drugs irritate me!

Wherever you go in public, you're bound to come across a person indulging in a cigarette. And as people say, "Where there's smoke, there's fire." That's true, but I think it should be "Where there's smoke, there's LUNG CANCER!"

Often, I just leave those smokers alone and go somewhere else or set up a fan. However, if I'm approached by a drug dealer, (which has never happened and I hope it doesn't) the following ensues:

He said the word "crahck" but I blew him away with a (too) firm "NO!!" and I can shoot lightning from my mouth!

So you hear that, dealers? You just might get blow away into a bunch of random spikes. And for those of you who already do this crap, FRRRNRRRGRRRHRRNNG!

So remember kids, this drug stuff gets you yelled at! (And that's not good.)

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