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Friday, April 22, 2011

My Spanish teacher's plant dilemma

My Spanish teacher doesn't have a green thumb. Every plant she buys dies within a week or two. This is the story she spent 10 minutes telling us.

The reason all her plants die seems undefined. She keeps them in light and waters them daily, yet they always wither.

Then came along the one little plant that seemed to live no matter what, and she rarely watered it. She was quite happy with it and was proud of herself.

She was unaware that this plant wasn't exactly a plant for two years. It finally came to her knowledge around a month and a half ago.

She got a call from her fiancée one night. These aren't the exact words and I cannot remember what they exactly were because I was laughing so hard in my notebook.

> Fiancée: Why is there water in the little plastic plant next to your bed?

> Teacher: Wha- what plastic plant?? I don't have one... much less one next to my bed.

> Fiancée: What are you talking about?! I see it right there, on your nightstand, full of water!

At this point, she got angry.


So she drove home 5 mph above the speed limit and went to her bedroom to see the plant.

> Teacher: Ohh, this isn't a fake plant. This is my little plant I have been taking care of for the past two years!

> Fiancée: It's fake. Take a REAL good look.

So she sat down, picked up the plant, and looked hard, very hard. After a few minutes, she noticed the metal wires running through the stems and the "soil" made from colored foam bits. For the very first time in two years, she realized that her plant was never real. She was absolutely bewildered.

At this point, the whole class was cracking up as she wrapped up her story.


However, I have a few unanswered questions.

1: How come she didn't notice it wasn't growing?

2: Where did the water go after each watering?

3: Wouldn't the fake soil have started to grow mold on it?

4: Where was the plant in the store that she bought it from if she thought it was real? Possibly misplaced in the ACTUAL plants section?


But this wasn't as bad as the time she accidentally glued her lips shut.

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