- FarmVille posts
I play FV regularly, so I really don't mind at all, while others FREAK OUT over them and make every effort to make sure they never see the posts again otherwise they go apeshit.
- Quiz results
There are many quizzes hovering around in FB. I don't mind much either. It's actually kind of fun to see what results YOU might get.
- People who post stuff on your wall
The particular stuff I'm talking about is those "Yes/No" or question apps. Sometimes, those things get on my nerves.
- People who post YouTube videos all the time
WHY POST A YOUTUBE VIDEO IF YOU DIDN'T MAKE IT?!?! It makes no fucking sense. Just send all your friends a private message with the link instead of letting me see various songs I don't really care about and Justin Bieber ALL OVER my news feed.
- People who make famous (philosophical) quotes as their statuses.
Doing that does not get attention!! It doesn't make you look all fancy or smart. Sometimes, the quote doesn't even match who you are. So stop it.
- People who put lyrics of a song I never heard before as their status
Don't get me started. Here's what it basically is: "[song]heartheartheartheart".
- Those like websites
I posted about this before. Let me just say it again. THOSE WEBSITES ARE FUCKING STUPID. All it does is clog up my news feed about how "[Name] Likes 22 items on [heart symbol] and 63 similar stories". Some people have
- Pointless statuses
Saying "Blah" or "Mehhhh" doesn't mean anything to me other than "BEEP BEEP NEWS FEED JUNK ALERT!!! BEEP BEEP"
- People who can't decide on a relationship status
"Married", "Engaged", "In a relationship", "It's complicated"...
- Notifications that have nothing to do with me
I don't need to get 37 notifications because I liked something and people began arguing in the comments section of it and EVERY SINGLE thing they say goes to my notifications. So it's like this: I like a picture of a person. Then someone says something irrelevant about the color orange that goes into my notifications AND starts a fight. So for the next 48 hours, every single thing they say goes to me also.
- Heart attack
No, not the health problem "heart attack". I mean seeing hearts after every sentence or word in statuses. Or just hearts. My news feed is like this now: "Yay going to the mall!!!!!heartheartheart" or "[famous quote]heartheartheart".
- People who tag me in pictures or videos
The only problem is, I'M NEVER IN THE PICTURE OR VIDEO!! Why am I tagged as a cloud with 137 other people tagged around me?!
- Annoying apps/events
I'm talking about those "Horrible accident", "This girl killed herself after seeing what her dad posted to her wall", "Sad story", etc. apps and events. IF I HAVE TO SEE ANOTHER ONE OF THOSE, I WILL FUCKING EXPLODE. All they do is post stuff to your wall without permission, leading your friends to do the same. It's a vicious loop. They also make you have to take surveys and quizzes that just triple your cell phone bill because you just had to subscribe to a stupid IQ quiz to see dead people.
- Even more annoying apps/events
These are the ones where you "get to see who's been viewing your profile" or "see who's been viewing your pictures". These are FAKE. They don't work or do anything good. Same as above, they make you take STUPID surveys and quizzes so you can triple your phone bill. If it isn't like that, it brings you to a picture of a website and and a "Connect to Facebook" button and the URL is very suspicious. This is the one-way ticket to getting hacked.
I will keep adding to this as things come along. Meanwhile, CHEESECAKE!