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Monday, November 1, 2010


I've noticed that my rabbit has been losing weight recently and seems to have diarrhea. She is terribly skinny. And now we finally know why. I just discovered that a cat has been scaring her for the past I-don't-know-how-many weeks. A CAT. A NO GOOD CAT!! I FRIGGIN' HATE CATS!!!!

This is what happened:

The cat sneaks into our backyard because his owners cannot keep him inside for some reason. What intrigues me is how the cat figured out we have a rabbit in the first place. Creeper. He slowly makes his way toward the rabbit den. Our rabbit den is safe and secured with bricks, cinder blocks, and concrete tiles. However, just the sight of the cat traumatizes the rabbit. She refuses to come out to eat, and therefore is skinnier than a leaf. She just quivers in the cage.

Here you see how I portray the "pedocat":

I tried drawing a rabbit several times but each time it looked ugly. So I made a before and after CHART instead of rabbit pictures.

Send this feline to the cat house for all I care. He would like it there.

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