The main thing is too much freedom on the internet.
1) Remember my Club Penguin addicted sister? Her CP Membership expires on the 25th of this month, and I was really pumped for it because then she would have nothing left to do, so then we can actually go out of the house to do REAL summer things WITHOUT the arguments with my sister that she wants to stay home. The way this usually happens is that I want to swim or go somewhere of at least medium-level enjoyableness outside of the house. Then we ask my sister if she wants to come and she's all "NOoOOOOOOooOOoo I'M IN THE MIDDLE OF DECORATING MY IGLOO AND TALKING WITH PEOPLE THAT CLAIM TO KNOW MEEEEE!!!". So then we suggest the I just go with my dad and leave my sister alone at home, but then we know she will just go like "CP CP CP CP CP" all day long (or until her eyes go red) until we get home. So this just turns out that nobody goes anywhere and the only happy one is my sister.
So anyways, remember I said I WAS pumped? I'm not anymore because my sister has discovered these things called private servers. It's like CP but with everything modified a bit and messed around (you could say customized) and put in another domain name. Also, the chat filter is completely gone and you can type ALL symbols/punctuation and numbers. People now have the ability to freely blather on about the dirtiest and most disturbing while being absolute potty mouths things ON A CHILDREN'S GAME (but modified) right in front of my almost 10 sister! That was the point I was trying to get to. Another thing I want to mention is that if those other penguins are kids of the same age as my sister (+ or - a year), why do they know all of... THAT?
However, her favorite private server
So maybe if the private server doesn't come back, we can have the first good summer in 2 years.
2) The kids at her school obviously have too much exposure to YouTube and similar sites, especially the 4th and 5th graders. They know of all "memes", popular videos, and insanely popular but stupid videos; the viral ones that have tens/hundreds of millions of views. They go around potty-mouthing at school and constantly talking about Awesome Reach (WHY do they know of that?!), The Annoying Orange, asdfmovie, Leo & Satan, and all others you may know of.
They also all have Facebook accounts. I don't like that either.
The fact that they have so much internet freedom absolutely disgusts me. I don't know why.
3) 5th graders are now receiving sex ed. I know of this because my neighbor who has a pool (NOT party central) told me that they talked about "things" in class. He said the one kid raised his hand to ask about the "M-word" (The result is the "O-word", if you don't know what I mean, you're stupid). Then to my surprise, he said that the teacher actually began explaining it, IN DETAIL. What really disgusts me is why that kid knew about it. He obviously already knew about it and probably does it 5 times a night anyways and wanted to ask about it just because.
So, much stupidness and ridiculousness? I think YES! :D
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